Wednesday, September 15, 2010


when i was in elementary school, my teacher asked me:
"what would you be when you big already?" (she was asking me about my ambition..)
then i used to answer:
"policeman, mam!" (i answered it on fire)

then i grown up and got realized, that having a job as a policeman is not trully my ambition..(especially when i saw and experienced so many 'bad sides' from that job)

then i came into high school, i dreamt to be a doctor or an engineer, thats why i tried a lot and so hard to enter medicine and engineering departments in university..but see?i failed a lot too, it means i also don't belong to those jobs..hahaha,poor me..

when i was in university, i got my other ambition..
diplomat, president, entrepreneur, and even artist or celebrity..haha..
i still don't have any ideas what would i be in the future..
but one thing i hold and pursue right now, my brand new ambition..what is that?

this might be sounds ridiculous, idealistic, or whatever..
an ambition is ought to be idealistic, isn't it?
so, i'm gonna tell you what my ambition is..a little bit long and complicated to explain..

so, what is that mean???
'individual actor' means i stand as an independent person
and 'significant impacts' i mentioned here belong to positive ones..
the entire world including all human race..plants and animals could also be counted..hehehehe...

it doesn't mean that i have to be a president of a superpower state, like Barry..
it also doesnt't mean that i should take Ban Ki Moon's place in UN..
i don't have to be the next Nelson Mandela or Mother Theresa..hehehe...

i just have to figure out, how could i be recognized and known by all the human in the world? i have to be popular and famous first indeed..
winning the World Idol competition, being the first person who invent new creation, the one who steps foot on the sun, hmmm... i'm thinking of the other ones..
when i will have been famous already, spread positive values, changed people minds and behaviors.. i would have felt enough then.. i think i made my dreams come true..


Cindya said...

ckckckkc,,being a police officer is not you,,,heheh...

a doctor or an engineer???i still can't imagine,,:D

the awesome 'ronz_nongky' said...

hueeee...sirik aja sih..