Monday, December 29, 2008


Facts about Chocolate

Chocolate? Is that one of your beloved foods? Who doesn't know what chocolate is? Chocolate is produced from a fruit, which called 'cacao'. It tastes usually sweet, eventhough there are several arts of chocolate; bitter, milk, and another modified ones. You must be have heard about impacts of this special food, bad as well good ones. To makes all clear, here some facts I would like to share with you about chocolate:
Chocolate nutritions:
Do you know what? Chocolate has a highest number of antioxidants which is very useful to against free radical chemical substances, to save us from the danger of cancer. Chocolate also contains iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, moreover in milk-chocolate contains calcium.
Flavonoid (one of its elements) is similar to a very low dose of aspirin to prevent blood platelets from clumping together to form a blood clot (avoid the blood freezed).
In fact, Chocolate makes no difference to skins condition, including acnes (proved from experiments of one US University studies on chocolate's impacts).
Chocolate also does not make people fat, as long as consumed under calories-diet limit (matures = 2000 kcal, and 1,5 Oz milk chocolate equals to about 200 kcal)
Chocolate, exactly, contains antibacterial agents which help us to against tooth decay.
Chocolate is best tasted on an empty stomach.
Never put it in freezer, it will cause the cocoa to separate and form a white bloom.

So, are you still afraid of Chocolate? Or are you dared to taste the different sides of Chocolate? Its your choice, guys!!

Source and Inspiration: Wallpapers in Cafe Du Chocolat


Yenny Sigalingging said...

yuks, kita ke du chocolat lagee.. makan banyak coklat emang bikin gosip semakin gress aja :p

the awesome 'ronz_nongky' said...

hehe..mari kita serbu semua coklatnya!!haha..gendut,gendut deh..